Daisy Drake has always had an interest in antiquities and so has been trying for sometime to become a part of the Society of Antiquaries. Yet being a female, Daisy has been rejected on countless times. Sucks to be a woman in 1700s, where she is suppose to be meek and docile. Which doesn't suit Daisy's personality at all.
Lucian Beaumont, Viscount Rutland, has been trying to get funds to search Roman treasure on the British soil. No one wants to help fund his search due to the fact of what happen to his father many years ago. However, Daisy made an offer to help Lucian. Of course he had to reject, and not because she's a woman. But for the fact that there is a past issue with the Drake's and Beaumont's.
After that dismal encounter, Daisy is still in search for her great adventure and turns to her Great-Aunt Isabella for ideas. Well, she ends up dressing up as a famous French courtesan Mademoiselle Blanche LaTour for a masquerade. Which starts Daisy on an adventure she never saw coming and leads her to do a great many things.
Ok, I liked the story. How to Vex a Viscount did entertain me as I read the book. I mean come when you have a young lady masquerading to be a courtesan there could be trouble. So, much trouble. You wonder if the Lucian is smart enough to figure out if Daisy is Blanche or if he's going to do the typical guy thing and not realize Daisy and Blanche are one in the same. That in itself is enthralling. Plus, there is so much more to the story, especially when there is treasure involve. So, if you are looking for a story with a girl pretending to be a courtesan or a treasure hunt, you might enjoy How to Vex a Viscount. I leave you today and I hope you are enjoying whatever you are reading.
Copy provide by Author

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