Thursday, October 18, 2012

ARC: Lord Gray's List by Maggie Robinson

For the last week I have been reading Lord Gray's List by Maggie Robinson. Since it's about to be release in a couple of weeks I figure I better get this done. I have to say that I do have an appreciation for Ms. Robinson's writing. I happen to stumble upon her work when one of her other books was recommend to me and I haven't look back since. So, without further ado I will share with you the first book in The London List series.

When Evangeline Ramsey (Evie) was younger, she happen to be in love with Baron Benton Gray (Ben). However, she was afraid what her life would amount to if she had given in to Ben. Evie had this fear Ben was like her father and that scared her. After there love affair was over Ben headed to London and there begun his life debauchery.

What to do scorn women tend do? That's right they get even. When they get even it's never pretty; never. Evie being an intelligent girl did something that no simpering miss would do; she decide to masquerade as a man. There are some advantages to dressing like a man that wouldn't be allotted as a woman. Plus, she wouldn't be able to get the juicy story about Ben if she was her true self. With Ben fed up with his dirty laundry out for everyone to see he marches down to find not a Mr. Ramsey, but a Miss Ramsey. There is the real start of the story. Trust me it does get juicier.

Now what I thought. Definitely a juicy read. Ms. Robinson does not let you down in that department. I found the story to be a wicked good read. Anytime you have a woman masquerading as a man has to be chock full of fun. Not only that, the banter between Evie and Ben is simple sublime. They act like an old marry couple at times, which is hilarious. I truly did enjoy this read and I hope you get a chance to check this story out when it comes out. So, I leave you and I hope you are enjoying your books.

ARC provide by the author
