Sunday, August 2, 2020

Mr. Malcolm's List by Suzanne Allain (Review)

I have to say that Mr. Malcolm's List by Suzanne Allain is a cute read. Those who like their historical romance reads to be accurate might want to take a pass on this story. However, if you are looking for something light and kind of fluffy, you might enjoy Mr. Malcolm's List.

Okay we have Jeremy Malcolm who has a list of what he wants in a wife. He plans to stick with it. However, his friends sister took offense to not being even worthy to garner his attention that she cooks up a plan to use one of her friends to take down Mr. Malcolm. This is where we meet Selina Dalton. Selina is a vicar's daughter, which makes her unlikely to deceive Mr. Malcolm. Actually, she wasn't a big fan of the plan from the beginning.

Mr. Malcolm was pompous, but he did feel something for Selina. However, Julia tried to play fast on loose with her friendship with Selina, and almost cost Selina everything. I felt that Selina was a pawn throughout the book, and I felt bad for her.

Overall, I liked the story, and it's definitely not for everyone. When I opened my thoughts, those who are wanting more close to historical accurate aren't going to like this story. If you are looking for something that is light, you found it in Mr. Malcolm's List.

Copy provided by Berkley via NetGalley

4 Stars

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