Tuesday, August 22, 2017

InkSlinger PR Release Blast + Review + Excerpt + Giveaway: The Beauty of Us by Kristen Proby

  From New York Times bestselling author Kristen Proby comes a sexy, new standalone contemporary romance in her Fusion Series, THE BEAUTY OF US, out now! Grab your copy today and get to know Trevor and Riley!



New York Times bestselling author Kristen Proby delivers another sizzling novel in her delectable and sexy Fusion series.

Riley Gibson is over the moon at the prospect of having her restaurant, Seduction, on the Best Bites TV network. This could be the big break she’s been waiting for. But the idea of having an in-house show on a regular basis is a whole other matter. Their lives would be turned upside down, and convincing Mia, her best friend and head chef of Seduction, that having cameras in her kitchen every day is a good idea is daunting. Still, Riley knows it’s an opportunity she can’t afford to pass on. And when she meets Trevor Cooper, the show’s executive producer, she’s stunned by their intense chemistry.

Trevor’s sole intention is to persuade Riley to allow Best Bites TV to do a show on her restaurant. But when he walks into Riley’s office, he stops dead in his tracks. The professional, aloof woman on the phone is incredibly beautiful and funny. But can he convince her that he’s interested in Riley for himself? Or is he using the undeniable pull between them to persuade her to agree to his offer?

My Thoughts:
I think each story gets better and better. I started The Beauty of Us last week at the gym, let me say that was a big mistake. Not that it was a bad book. NO, The Beauty of Us is AMAZING! I was dying of laughter at the beginning. We have Riley complaining to the girls about her dating life that is going horrible when this guy eavesdrops on the whole conversation. Basically gives the pep talk that not all guys are bad, and drops the bombshell that he's Trevor Cooper from Best Bites. With that kind of opening I was definitely in a treat. Seriously, the story gets better, you wonder how can that happen, well it does. 

In The Beauty of Us, the focus is on Riley and Trevor's relationship. Riley is a no nonsense kind of girl who speaks her mind. Good thing Trevor isn't intimidated, because she can't be a little brash at times. However, she's done playing games. She's almost done with men when Trevor comes into her life. Now Trevor isn't looking for love. I mean after his divorce he's kind of done, but Riley intrigues him. Even enough to say it might be worth tangling with a co-worker. Trevor is so awesome. Oh my gosh he totally had me melting. Swoon-factor definitely yes. He makes being a nerd HOT! Seriously, he can whip out his lightsaber for me. 

As you guys can tell I loved The Beauty of Us. I was definitely entertained by the story. It's one of the stories that grabbed my attention from the first page. I make it sound easy, but Trevor does have some crazy ladies that kind cause trouble in the story. Yep, they are pretty crazy, I'm surprised they didn't go even more crazy. Hey it was enough drama to have me worry a little. I seriously can't wait for Mia's story, because that one is going to be good. However, The Beauty of Us I think of another word, but AMAZING. Totally LOVED Riley and Trevor. I would definitely give them a try. 

Copy provided by William Morrow via Edelweiss.

“There seems to be an explosion in the jackass population,” I reply, and sigh, passing my glass to Kat for a refill.
“Where are you meeting them?” he asks, and I bite my lip.
“I don’t want to tell you.”
“Online,” he says with a nod.
“I didn’t say that!”
“Didn’t have to. If you met him at the gym or the grocery store, or somewhere else in person, you wouldn’t be embarrassed.”
“I’m not embarrassed.”
“Yes, you are. Otherwise, you wouldn’t mind telling me.”
“Fine.” I sigh and rub my forehead with my fingers. “I met them online.”
“Stop that,” he says.
“I don’t know where else I’d meet people,” I reply. “I’m at work at least fifty hours a week. I don’t do school or clubs or church, and I rarely go to the grocery store because I always eat here.”
“I could stop feeding you,” Mia interjects and I toss her a glare.
“I’m just saying, if you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always gotten.”
“I don’t understand any of the words you just said.” I squint at him, trying to process.
“Switch it up,” he says with a grin. “Try to meet people somewhere else. I mean, you didn’t meet me online, and I’m not an asshole.”
“Sure, you’re cute, and you look like you have your shit together, but I suspect that once I got to know you I’d learn that you have mommy issues and fourteen dogs.”
“You might,” he says with a thoughtful nod. “I do hide those things well. All I’m saying is, stop using the dating sites and try meeting people in real life.”
“Yeah. Easy for you to say.” I pout into my wineglass. “Do I need to send you some money for this counseling session?”
“Nah, the first one’s on me,” he says, tossing that crazy-hot smile at me again. “Just don’t combine Star Wars and Star Trekanymore and that’s payment enough for me.”
He pulls a few bills out of his wallet and tosses them on the bar, then stands to leave.
“Have a good night, and good luck,” he says.
“Thanks.” Just as he’s almost out of view, I call out. “Wait! I didn’t ask your name.”
“Trevor,” he says, and my stomach immediately does at least four cartwheels. “Trevor Cooper.”
“You’re early,” is all I can think to say. My cheeks burning, my fingertips immediately tremble. “You’re not supposed to be here for two more days.”
“I like to come early. Get the lay of the land, that sort of thing.” He smiles and waves. “See you in a couple of days.”
He walks away, and as soon as I hear the front door close, I turn to my friends and just stare at them in utter horror.
“Tell me that didn’t just happen.” 

And Don’t Miss the First Three Standalone Novels in the Fusion Series!

And Don’t Miss the First Three Standalone Novels in the Fusion Series!

About Kristen Proby:

Kristen was born and raised in a small resort town in her beloved Montana. In her mid-twenties, she decided to stretch her wings and move to the Pacific Northwest, where she made her home for more than a dozen years.

During that time, Kristen wrote many romance novels and joined organizations such as RWA and other small writing groups. She spent countless hours in workshops, and more mornings than she can count up before the dawn so she could write before going to work. She submitted many manuscripts to agents and editors alike, but was always told no. In the summer of 2012, the self-publishing scene was new and thriving, and Kristen had one goal: to publish just one book. It was something she longed to cross off of her bucket list.

Not only did she publish one book, she’s since published close to thirty titles, many of which have hit the USA Today, New York Times and Wall Street Journal Bestsellers lists. She continues to self publish, best known for her With Me In Seattle and Boudreaux series, and is also proud to work with William Morrow, a division of HarperCollins, with the Fusion Series.

Kristen and her husband, John, make their home in her hometown of Whitefish, Montana with their two pugs and two cats.


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