Monday, January 20, 2014

A Little too Much by Lisa Desrochers

First off, I haven't read A Little Too Far yet. However, I feel I wasn't that lost when I read A Little Too Much. Yes, I plan to go back and read A Little Too Far, but true to form I have read out of order. I'm sure it's probably better to read in order, but oh well.

Here's why I feel that you could probably get away with not reading the first book:

A Little Too Much actually focuses more on Hillary McIntyre POV. Though it wasn't a bad POV, I think that the story would have moved along faster had we had Alessandro Moretti's POV. However, the story focuses more on Hillary and how she's going through the motion of life. Hillary wants to be on broadway, so she figures just sticking with her current is the answer. Of course, we can't have the heroine go through the motion of life things have to be shaken up with Alessandro shows up on the doorstep trying to come to terms of his demons. However, to understand why Alessandro left the church you might want to read the first book.

So, A Little Too Much wasn't bad. I think I would have liked it more had it had Alessandro's POV. Hillary wasn't all that bad, I think her character started to get more interesting when she started hanging around Alessandro more. I actually couldn't really stand her older sister. Yes, I know that she practically raised Hilary, but she was annoying (putting it nicely).

Overall, an not a bad read and I do want to go back and see Alessandro give up the ministry. Plus, I liked it enough to continue with the series. The writing is actually pretty good. So, if you have been looking for more new adult books, you might give A Little Too Much a try. Who knows, I might go back and reread this one day and see something I miss.

Copy provided by Harper Collins via Edelwiess


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