Sunday, May 24, 2015

Lusting for Covers (72): The Viscount Risks It All by Erin Knightley

Lusting for Covers is a weekly meme, held on Sunday, that allows bloggers to share their current cover obsession with fellow book lovers.

This meme is hosted by TBQ @ TBQ's Book Palace.

This Weeks Selection:

The Viscount Risks It All by Erin Knightley
Publisher: Signet (Jan 2016)
Series: A Prelude to a Kiss, 4
Genre: Historical 


From the bestselling author of The Duke Can Go to the Devil, comes a new novel about destiny, and taking a risk on a second chance at love…
Gavin Stark, Viscount Derington, learned his lesson when his childhood love was swept off her feet by another man before Dering could declare himself. Ever since, he has lived a life of no regrets—reaching for what he wants while never again allowing himself to lose his heart. If the experience taught him anything, it was never to risk what he wasn’t willing to lose.
Lady Felicity Danby had everything she ever wanted in life until the moment her husband died, turning her world upside down. A year and a half later, she is finally ready to return to Bath to spend the summer visiting family. She finds comfort in her old childhood friend, but is taken off guard when passion begins to simmer between them. She’s already lost everything once—can she possibly risk her heart a second time?

Preorder Links:


LOVE it! Seriously look at the cover. 1) We have the pose. I mean who wouldn't want to roll on the grass with that dude. 2) The dress. Normally I wouldn't be a orange kind of girl, but it works for this cover. 3) Back to the pose. Seriously, with one little push she's on her back and he's on top. I better stop right there. LOL. What do you think of my pick? What are you lusting for? 


  1. love this cover...she always has some of the most stunning ones, and I love covers that are outside on the ground or in a garden...they are always the best.

  2. I agree the orange color of her dress is perfect for the colors of the the setting.

    My L4C

  3. It is absolutely perfect. I was so excited to see the cover reveal and just had to use it this week.

  4. I know. She was must make sacrifices to the cover gods. ;)

  5. Agreed -- the color really works for this cover. And I'll volunteer to roll around with him. :D

  6. Get in line. Me first. I found the cover. ;)

  7. that's a "wow" cover!


  8. Katiria RodriguezMay 24, 2015 at 6:50 PM

    Beautiful cover I absolutelylove it I need to return to read more book like this one I used to read lots of them and I sure do miss reading them! Awesome pick have a great Sunday! :)

  9. I know Denise. I had another cover planned for today, but when I saw this I had to use the cover.

  10. Thanks Katiria. There are so many books out there it's hard to choose to read one.
