So, let me get proceed with my thoughts on Sleigh Bells in the Snow.
In this story we meet Kayla Green who doesn't love Christmas; I know sacrilegious. The best question would be why would she want to be working while the holiday profess good cheer and joy. As the story develops you learn her reason why she doesn't love the holiday. Honestly, if I never felt wanted at Christmas I would want to skip that holiday too. Anyway, Kayla gets the opportunity to get away from home and work at the same time while she tries to win an account up in Snow Crystal, Vermont.
Now Jackson O'Neil is trying to help the family resort survive by bringing in Kayla to smooth over the changes. However, that isn't going over well, with family patriarch Walter O'Neil. Looks like Jackson and Kayla has there work cutout for them, but that's not all. Nope, they are going to work on this while fighting the urge to be together.
I really did enjoy the story. I thought it was a fun holiday read. I actually loved Kayla Grinchy attitude towards Christmas. I think it really add a lot of depth to the story. While trying to work focus, Jackson tries to help her realize that Christmas isn't so bad. I love the family dynamic in the story. O'Neil family members really play a huge part in helping Kayla realize that Christmas can be a wonderful time of year. I love how Sarah sets up the story to see future characters have their own stories and I can't wait to read more with O'Neil brothers. So, if you are looking for that holiday read that will put you in the mood for Christmas, you might want to give Sleigh Bells in the Snow a try.
I really enjoyed this book -- and I'm not usually one for holiday romance! :)