Well, in the previous book a lot stuff happens towards the end which causes Tracey's life to be endanger. So, Nixon takes matters into his own hands and decides she needs constant protection. Not only that he has to distance himself from Tracey in public, so he tasks his cousin, Chase, to pretend to be Tracey's boyfriend. Well, Chase has been in love with Tracey for sometime, and that puts him in a rock in a hard place. While protecting Tracey, Chase needs to keep his emotions in check. Nixon suspects his cousin has feelings for Tracey, but Tracey's security is more important than his happiness.
So, it's understandable for my concerns on how the story was going to turn out. Yes, it was an emotional toll on me. I really hate love triangles. You have Nixon painted as a saint for sacrificing everything for Tracey, while Chase is made out to be a self-serving bastard, because he wants Tracey so bad. At the same time, Tracey has no clue on Chase's true feelings for her. Ok, I can't fault her on that, because sometimes we just aren't observant on what's going around us. Other than the love triangle, I really like that Elect focused on Nixon's and Chase's point of view. I thought it was something a little different. I'm kind of curious on Tracey's point of view, but I'm ok without it.
So, the bottom line is I did like Elect. I'm really curious on how the other stories will pan out. I just hope there isn't any more love triangles, I because I don't know if I could really take another one. Other than that you still have a mob family with mob family problems. Trying to keep the peace isn't always easy. So don't let the love triangle stop you from reading Elect if you enjoyed Elite, just be prepare to see these two guys having issues over the same girl.
Copy provided by Forever Romance via NetGalley
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