Well, the wise words from Pearls & Pelisse gives every young women words advice on Lessons in Landing a Lord. I'm pretty sure you would love to know the 10 lessons so you can land your own Lord:
1. You must be seen, but barely heard.
2. Do your best to remain in your's mind and in his eye.
3. Master the art of remaining forth coming, yet not overpowering.
4. Enlist allies. Strategic alliances will be necessary (always a must).
5. Cultivate interest in your Lord's interest.
6. Once you have captured his attention, do not waver.
7. Show appropriate awe in the face of his remarkableness.
8. Learn to LOVE the errors of his ways (trust me there are many).
9. Nurture your mystery. Spend sometime away (you know that absence makes the heart grow founder).
10. Last but not least remember to love, to honor, and to cherish in all the ways they deserve.
These are very important lessons to remember when landing your lord. However, head-strong Isabel Townsend has a hard time using these lessons when trying to land Lord Nicholas St. John. After all he is a "paragon of manhood," yet somehow with her brashness she manages to capture Nick.
I LOVE this story. I still chuckle while reading the advice from Pearls & Pelisse and how these lessons go out the window for Isabel. The Duke of Leighton is still a pompous... well I shouldn't continue with that thought. This story is definitely filled with scandal and intrigue that is so much fun to read. Especially, when Isabel is barely keeping the roof over their heads. While Ralston is a rake of the first-rate, Nicholas is the complete opposite. Above all, Nicholas can't keep away from a damsel in distress, even when they don't realize they are need of help. Still one of my favorite books. I hope you get a chance to check out this book if you have the time. I leave you today and happy reading.

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