Anyways, I don't know how many of you have read any of the Lord Hawkesbury's Players books, but they are pretty interesting read. If you are looking for something set in the Elizabethan time, you've found it with these books.
So, To Tempt the Devil is about the adventures of Elizabeth Croft (Lizzy) and Rafe Fletcher. Rafe has come back to London to start a new life. When Rafe returns he finds his younger brother in a pickle. James asks Rafe to look after Lizzy while he is away. Somehow Lizzy and Rafe end up in serious trouble and have to go into hiding.
Overall, I liked this story. To be honest, you can start by reading this book and catch up with the other two books at another time. The great thing about To Tempt the Devil can be a stand alone story. However, I have read the other two books and enjoyed them. Plus, you do see characters from the other books in To Tempt the Devil.
The main characters are fun to read about. I love how Lizzy is thought as a shy girl, who starts to blossom once she gets to know Rafe. I think Rafe really brings out her true self. Rafe is a true treasure. Here is what I mean, he's the type of guy who will stick up for you when you need someone to defend you. A true hero, even if he has made a couple mistake in his life. And who can forget players they add a touch of humor to a serious situation.
So, if you are looking for a Elizabethan romance with action, murder and mystery look no further than To Tempt the Devil. So, I hope you have a wonderful day and I will talk to you later.
Copy provide by the author

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