Martha Winston a sport journalist who happen to inherit her father's soccer team. Knowing not much about soccer except that her father loved the sport and promise to keep it going after his death. However, the team hits some financial hard times that send the vultures around to try to collect the team.
Tony Branch, former British soccer, has a desire to own an American soccer team and he has an opportunity to collect a team. Tony makes an offer to purchase Martha's team, but she refuses. Can't understand why she would want to keep a team sport that she has no clue to run. Is it possible for them to come an agreement?
As I have been reading Bigger Than Beckham for the past few days, I was trying to figure what I would say about the book. I have to be honest, I had a hard time getting into the book. I really tried. I wanted to love the book. However, it just wasn't working for me. It could have been the soccer thing or just me. I guess I was looking for more tension in the hero and heroine after all he was trying to take her team away from her. They just kinda worked things out between them. I liked the story enough to check other books by the author and I might find something that calls my name. So, I leave you today and I hope you find an enjoyable read.

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