Wednesday, November 2, 2016

The Billionaire Next Door by Jessica Lemmon (Review)

While I was reading The Billionaire Next Door by Jessica Lemmon, I couldn't help envisioning Brock O'Hurn as Tag. She did use him as inspiration for Tag, and it totally worked for me. Anyway, the story. First off, everybody loves Tag, I mean he's the guy who leaves women feeling good and with a smile on their faces. Plus, he's the fun guy. However, when he runs Rachel, he's taken down by her. I actually adore Rachel, because she came from a bad breakup, lost her job, and it seems like her life is crumbling. She's a go getter and she's going to get what she wants except when it comes to men. Tag is totally willing, but is the price to high for Rachel.

Rachel and Tag are a lot of fun, and Rachel keeps Tag on his toes. It's sweet that Tag wants to take of Rachel, but she has an independent streak that drives him crazy. I admire her, because it's not over the top independent that she has to prove to someone she's can do it. It's more like she wants to prove to herself that she can do it. It was neat to see Tag to become whooped, because he fell hardcore for Rachel. I also liked how Jessica introduced the elusive Eli. Boy is he going to have challenges adjusting to civilian life. So excited for Eli's book. Anyway, I enjoyed The Billionaire Next Door. So, if you like having the fun guy taken down by a young woman you might enjoy this story.

Copy provided by Forever Romance via NetGalley

Rating: 4 Stars

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