Sunday, November 6, 2016

How to Impress a Marquess by Susanna Ives (Review)

First off, I wanted to read How to Impress a Marquess solely on the cover. I didn't really read the back blurb, I might have glanced at it, but the cover caught my attention. This can be dangerous, because I started the book I wasn't sure what it was about. So, I decided to look at the blurb, and truthfully the blurb is kind of vague in a way too. I mean it talks about the hero being like a stick in the mud and the heroine is basically a free spirit. Also there were a couple of times I didn't know what era I was suppose to be in, I know that I was suppose to be in the Victorian era. Yes, I did look up some information, which I was surprise she didn't use Cambridge instead of Oxford for some parts of the story. Oh well. Other than that I actually found How to Impress a Marquess quite entertaining.

Okay warning there might be some spoilers, so sorry, but it has to be in order to explain some of what I liked about the story.

First off, George Maryle, Marquess of Marylewick is definitely stuff. He heaps on the responsibility of his family, and he worries about the things that will tarnish his reputation. He has one problem which happens to be Lilith Dahlgren. She's the free spirit ward he's in charge of making sure she doesn't get into too much trouble. However, Lilith is always getting into trouble. These two couldn't be more opposite. Yet there banter between one another could cause a fire. I love how Lilith continues to change George, because he needs that spark of life. Majority of the story you see these two going back and forward. At the same time Lilith can't stand the Maryle family, and it's completely understandable after the way they treated her when she was younger. She truly tried to fit in, but no one gave her chance. I felt so bad for Lilith. Basically, she found a creative outlet in the form of her story.

I liked how Susanna intertwined Lilith's story into the book it made the story more interesting. Granted it was already entertaining to beginning with, but you see Lilith's feelings through the story. She did try to explain herself to George, but he had the hardest time hearing. Actually, George isn't unlikable, but you get to understand him a little better through the story. Overall, I enjoyed the story. Yes, I was a little worry at the beginning of the story, but found myself wanting to know more of what was going on. If you are looking something like How to Impress a Marquess you may give it a try.

Copy provided by Sourcebooks via NetGalley

4 1/2 Stars

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