Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Misadventures in Seduction by Robyn DeHart (Review)

So we have come to the conclusion of the Masquerading Mistresses series, in Misadventures in Seduction by Robyn DeHart. Now this is probably my favorite out of the three stories, for a couple of reasons: 1) The cover. It's absolutely my favorite. 2) How it all ties with the previous stories together. Normally, I'm like oh man we are at the end. However, this just ended nicely. Granted the story could have been drawn out a little more and could have use a little more explanation to why. Sometimes that's the case for novellas. At the same time, it was perfectly find everything worked out. Honestly, it was still pretty good. That's my only gripe: too short.

Now the things I liked: Who doesn't love story when you have the heroine jumps into bed with the wrong guy? Whoops. I mean that's just asking to be read. Anyway, Prudence was suppose to be in guys bed to save her brother from getting ship off. Instead she winds up in the Duke of Sutcliffe's bed, and she doesn't find out till years later. That's not the point; the point is she comes to London after her brother's death and tries to get answer from His Grace and in turn finds herself going into hiding. All this ties together and I'm going to stop, because it's a novella and it's easy to get carry away.

I liked these two characters, because they are attract to one another. At the same time, Prudence believes Sutcliffe can't stand her. He's a spy and he doesn't want to put her in danger, because he's attracted to her. I like Prudence cause after her parents death she stepped up to the plate and started to take care of her siblings when there was no one else.

Overall, I did like Misadventures in Seduction. I think this is probably my favorite out of the three stories. I think each story had gotten better as everything started come together. Okay, I'm going to strongly suggest reading the previous stories before jumping into this story, because all the pieces do come together.

Copy provided by the publisher

4 1/2 Stars

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