Sunday, December 11, 2016

Snowed In by Jenna Bayley-Burke (Review)

In truth I probably should have DNF Snowed In, but I pressed forward. What caught my attention was the title, who doesn't love a good snowed in story. However, a lot of my trouble laid with Marissa. She pissed me off so much. She extremely rude to Scott. All Scott was trying to do was be a decent guy and try to explain to her what went down in the past. She didn't want anything to do with the information. The only good times were when they were having sex. That was perfectly fine, no talking. When the talking began again it annoyed me, because she didn't want to listen. A lot of the reason I didn't like her was someone had to call her out on it, she played the victim practically the whole story.

So, the things I liked Scott. He wanted to be with Marissa, I don't know why. However, he loved her more power to him. The other thing was the sex. It wasn't great, average, but it beat listening Marissa and Scott talk in circles. I also liked Tanya, because she had to put Marissa in her place. She needed that. Anyway, people loved this book, but this one didn't work for me. I enjoyed Just Married and I was hoping for the same level of fun in Snowed In, but missed the mark for me.

Copy provided by St. Martin via NetGalley

2 1/2 Stars

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