Sunday, May 1, 2016

Secret Obsession by Katie Reus (Review)

Okay, I thought that Katie had gone off the deep end with her villain in Secret Obsession, because we saw him in the inner walls of Red Stone. So, we have the villain roaming the halls, and he has an obsession of Raegan Taylor. Who doesn't love Raegan, I mean she's sweet, wholesome, farm girl living in the city. She brings out the protective side of people, especially Ford Burke.

Along with the budding romance of Raegan and Ford, we also have a secondary relationship going on Ruby and Montez. Ruby is Julieta friend and co-worker at the lingerie shop, and Ruby has a crush on Julieta's brother. Since they're not Red Stone employees they wouldn't get their own story and Katie manage to fit them into the story. She did a pretty good job.

Like always Katie had me wondering who this mystery stalker was, and had me a little creeped out, because he had access to the building. I wonder how she's going to top the creepiness with the next Red Stone book. Other than being creeped out by the stalker, I did like the romance between Raegan and Ford. It seem like it was moving fast, then again Ford has been secretly trying to find the courage to ask her out. He's a little guy shy after his last girlfriend, and his issue almost ruin his chances with Raegan. Good thing she has overprotective relatives to knock sense into Ford. Overall, a pretty good read. I have to say, Katie made me thinking about the villain and how we don't what know who's who when we interact with people.

Copy provided by author.

4 1/2 Stars

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