I did enjoyed this story. I must say that it was feisty romp of a read. The most important thing to remember is they are looking for Phaeton who happens to be in a bit of a pickle. Other than that the story does focus on Mia and Exeter.
Yes, they have an unique relationship. Mia would like Exeter become more than her guardian, but Exeter doesn't want to cross that line. However, Mia is a bit unique and needs help controlling her inner feline. Yep, that does complicate things and who better than to guide than Exeter.
So, here is the bottom line: Yes, there is some steamy sex, but along with some witty dialogue. Plus, they need to save Phaeton Black. I actually enjoyed how Mia bates Exeter. So, if you are looking for something a little different with some steamy sex scenes, I would say checkout The Miss Education of Dr. Exeter. Now I need to go back read the first two books.
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Great review! I love Phaetom but it's a great diversion.