Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Temptation and Twilight by Charlotte Featherstone

Yesterday I just finished Temptation and Twilight by Charlotte Featherstone. The third book in The Brethren Guardian series.

In the story, we see our hero Iain Sinclair, the Marquis of Alynwick, in his chambers of  with a woman who supposedly has information about the man called Orpheus. Debauching his way to get answers, Iain is emotionally closed off from the rest of the world, except to one. However, he never wants to reveal that information.

Lady Elizabeth York, a strong, beautiful, intelligent, and innocent woman. Well, not so innocent, after all she had a love affair with Iain 12 years ago and would love to forget that ever happen. Believing she's firmly on the self being almost 30, catches the eye of Lord Sheldon. She never thought she would have a suitor after loosing her eye sight around the age 19.

Iain is not to please to find Lizzy hanging on the arm of another man and decides to make his presences know. Basically marking his territory. However, Lizzy wants nothing to do with him after all the pain she suffered from him. Iain has information Lizzy has been dying to know and is willing to use it to get her back.

I liked Temptation and Twilight. However, I did find some of the parts of the story a bit slow at times. Overall, the story was well written and I didn't feel like I was missing information, because I hadn't gotten a chance to read the other stories. Towards the end it does pick up and I was shocked by some of the information revealed. Let me say, I would never have guess the ending and that makes it amazing. I hope you might get a chance to check out this book and possibly the series too. 

ARC copy provided by NetGalley