Wednesday, February 10, 2021

The Spinster and the Rake by Eva Devon (Review)

I got a chance to read The Spinster and the Rake by Eva Devon. Definitely not your typical read, but still a good read. Some parts of the story does remind of me Pride and Prejudice, but the story is its own. We meet Georgiana Bly who is destined to be a spinster; however, fate has another plan. We also meet Edward Stanhope, the Duke of Thornfield. Of course, he feels that he was trapped in marriage. Good times. 

Anyway, Edward isn’t your typical Duke. He’s a bit standoffish, but there is a reason. Even though it wouldn’t be something talked about in a regency story, I get the feeling that he might be on the spectrum. However, this is my personal opinion. I could be wrong, but that is how it felt to me. I love Georgiana, she’s so understanding and tries to be a perfect duchess even though she’s way beneath Edward’s status. There were a few times I felt bad for Georgiana cause she never wanted to be someones responsibility. Yet, Edward and Georgiana learn to balance one another. 

Overall, The Spinster and the Rake was a pretty good read. I hope that we get Georgiana's sister story, because I think we could see the background of the drama that happens in the story. At least that is my hopes. Looking for a not so typical Duke, you might want to checkout The Spinster and the Rake.

Copy provided by author

Rating: 4 1/2 Stars

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