Friday, December 19, 2014

I've Got My Duke to Keep Me Warm by Kelly Bowen (Review)

I finally finished I've Got My Duke to Keep Me Warm by Kelly Bowen. I have to say that this an ingenuity read from a debut author.

First off, you have Gisele Whitby who was able to escape a horrible situation by faking her own death. However, she finds out that her husband plans to marries again and she would never wish what happen to her on anyone. So, she needs to find someone who can help her save this poor girl a fate worse than death. Jamie Montcrief is that soul comes to Gisele's aid. However, he's not sure if he could fully trust her cause she's being kind of shady, yet he agrees.

Anyway, the story is filled interesting characters to say the least. They makeup Gisele's motley crue of helpers. The best way to describe Gisele is a caring person who has been through the ringer and survive. Jamie is a hero of the true sort. A lot of his character his built around putting others first.

The bottom line is I've Got My Duke to Keep Me Warm is a creative story set in a regency time. You have a heroine who was able to escape an abusive situation, but willing to save another the same fate. A hero that doesn't realize he's more than his birth line. Overall, a pretty good read and I look forward to future stories from Kelly Bowen.

Copy provided by Forever Romance


1 comment:

  1. I appreciated this review very much. I'm always interested in new historical romance authors...but after so many years of reading them I'm pretty choosey. :-) I like the unique plot line I read about here and am wanting to read this book by Ms. Bowen. Thanks for the post.
