Friday, December 12, 2014

Deadly Fallout by Katie Reus

So, Deadly Fallout is my fifth Red Stone Security book and I have read from Katie Reus, and by far is my favorite. At least all the ones I have read. Hey, one of the first five books could be my fave waiting to be read, but I just haven't gotten to reading them. Anyway, it's time to focus on Zoe and Sawyer.

Okay, Zoe is sister to Vincent who works at Red Stone. She's also a doctor at a hospital.
However, things didn't workout to well for her, so she ended up at a private practice. However, in the long run it was the best thing. She ended up getting a stalker at the hospital. I didn't believe that he was going to be the bad guy, because that would be too obvious. True her form Katie brought us a villain that had me going wow. It kind of kills for me not to say who it is, because the person is devious. Seriously, mind blowing (at least to me). Anyway, Zoe ends up in trouble cause her stalker ends up dead and the person trying to commit the murder was trying to frame Zoe. Good thing Zoe has great friend who are willing to help her out. So, how does Sawyer fit into all this. Well, he takes on the role of being Zoe knight in shining armor. Yay! However, Zoe doesn't know what to think of him cause he kind of decked her brother for something. By the way, her brother totally deserved what happen to him.

Anyway, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Sawyer. He's hot and an awesome guy. Plus, he kind of has a crush on Zoe, and isn't going to let anything stop him from getting what he wants. I love how fiercely protective he is about Zoe. Anyway, when they aren't facing danger these two are one hot item. I think the villain is one of my faves in the Red Stone Security books cause this person was a true sociopath. Those who have loved the Red Stone Security books will find themselves enjoying Deadly Fallout. The great things about Red Stone Security books is you don't have to go in order, because each story can stand on its own.

Copy provided by author

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