Wednesday, January 9, 2013

A Little Bit Wicked by Robyn DeHart

All right everyone, for the past few days I have been reading A Little Bit Wicked by Robyn DeHart. I must say that I did enjoyed Ms. DeHart's newest book. So, without further ado I bring you A Little Bit Wicked:

Vivian was going to meet the love of her life, Frederick Noble, for an secret rendezvous. When she gets to assign destination, she meets up with a guy, who she believes is Frederick and gives a passionate. All the sudden she realize its the wrong guy. OH NO!

Freaking out, because she kissed the wrong guy decides to head home. Now disaster strikes, Frederick decides to leave for France to learn to become a famous artist. Now her life is ruin and she must pick up the pieces of her life and re-invent herself. Years later she is able to help others out of sticky situation and became dubbed "The Paragon."

After all his adventures, Marcus Kincaid is summon home to take his place as Earl of Ashford. Too bad his homecoming could have been a little better if his sister, Clarissa, didn't find herself in a pickle. Now they have called in Vivian March, "The Paragon." However, Marcus knows more about Vivian than what she lets on, after all they did shared a passionate all the those years ago. Can Vivian's past stay in the past or is it going to make an ugly reappearance?

Overall, I did enjoy the story. I love how Vivian decided to take matters into her own hands. At the same time, she kind of lived in fear to keep her secret hidden. Yet, she somehow manage to survived. I also enjoyed Marcus character and how he was trying to fill his brothers shoes and repair what was going on in the family. However, I kind of wish Frederick played more havoc on Vivian in the story than closer to the end, but that's just me.

Not only was the story well written, but it had some memorable quotes that could be applied to life. For instance this would be one of my favorite: "Don't ignore life when it stands at your door and beckons, my sweet girl." Seriously, what an awesome quote. One more before I go: "People act out in certain ways to create a perception in others' minds of how we want to be seen." Which is so true. 

So, if you are looking for something new to read, you might want to checkout Robyn DeHart's A Little Bit Wicked. I enjoy her writing and you might too. Plus, it has some memorable quotes other than the two I listed. So, I hope you have a wonderful day.


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