Well, this debut author brings to us a story about Jack Frost and his queen. Now when you think of Jack Frost you don't think of him as a man looking for love, but you would be surprise.
Seven years early Kate Finley meets Jack when she fell through the ice. However, she got cold feet and couldn't fully commit to living forever in an ice kingdom. So, Jack let her find her closure with her family and friends. That was super nice of him.
To keep Jack at bay, Kate decided to move to Florida. After all winter has a hard time making its way down there. However Jack comes up with a plan to try to win his queen back.
Oh my goodness, this story was heart-warming in a frosty way. I loved this story. Jack shows so much love for Kate, which makes it incredible. I mean he truly sacrificed himself to make her happy. Granted being a guy, he didn't say the magic words to the girls heart, but he showed it. I think it would have been easier for Kate if he had said the words. Then again I don't think she would have appreciate all that he gave her if he had said those words.
Heart-melting story even on a cold winters day. So, if you are looking for something quick to read and wonder what kind of love Jack Frost would be interested, you might want to checkout Frosted. I hope you all are keeping warm. I'm trying and I hope to see you soon.
Copy provided by publisher

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