Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Tasty Book Tours Review + Excerpt + Giveaway: Major Misconduct by Kelly Jamieson

Major Misconduct
Aces Hockey #1
By: Kelly Jamieson
Releasing October 13, 2015


In Kelly Jamieson’s seductive new Chicago Aces romance—perfect for readers of Sawyer Bennett and Toni Aleo—a fun-loving free spirit tempts an uptight hockey star into opening himself up to love.

As the captain of the Chicago Aces, Marc Dupuis is all business. The apartment he shares with his teammate and best friend, Duncan, is a refuge from the pressures of fame. But when the sexiest woman he’s ever seen interrupts his early morning coffee wearing only a skimpy cami and matching panties, Marc can’t exactly say he minds. Their chemistry is off the charts. Unfortunately, this girl’s no random puck bunny. She’s Duncan’s little sister—and she’s moving in.

Lovey Armstrong could stare at Marc’s chiseled abs and listen to his French-Canadian accent all day. She just has no idea what’s going on inside his head: When he’s not charming her pants off, Marc makes a Zamboni machine seem warm and cuddly. Lovey knows the team’s bro code says no messing with sisters, but all these mixed messages are hard on a girl’s self-esteem—especially since she’s finally getting her new life together in Chicago. She decides he’s worth another shot . . . because if anyone can melt the ice around Marc’s heart, it’s Lovey.

My Thoughts:
I found myself enjoying Major Misconduct. The whole forbidden romance and have the hots for best friend's little sister are always fun. We have don't mess with the bro-code situation, so lets get down and dirty. 

First off, we meet Lovey. Yes, she's a bit flighty, but not flaky. I guess I better explain on this, because normally you have one you usually have the other. She's not flaky, because she actually does show up when you need her to be there. However, she's flighty. She goes a million miles an hour, but she's a social butterfly that needs to be in the mix of things. Her flightiness is under played throughout the story until we get closer to the end, and you kind want to strangle her. It wasn't until her older brother hash things out, that she realize what she has down. Some might not like her, but she's sweet and quirky. Then we have Marc who is goal oriented and would love see his team do well. He's dubbed Captain Codger since he's pretty set in his way. We have Lovey who gets in her head that Captain Codger needs to have a little fun, and who better to supply that fun. Yet, there is one problem, brother dearest. 

We watch these two develop a secret romance. Yes, they are hot and heavy. I couldn't wait for her brother to catch them. Seriously, I was anxiously hoping to see what happens and how it would all go down. There are so many ways that you have that playing out. Anyway. Overall, the pace of the story was pretty fast and fun to read. I actually enjoyed watching these two draw closer to one another. I do enjoy a good bro-code violation story. So, if you are in the mood for hots for best friend's little sister romance with hockey action, you might checkout Major Misconduct.

Copy provided by Random House via NetGalley

Excerpt from Major Misconduct:

Marc chuckled all the way to the Land Rover dealership, annoying the hell out of his teammate and roommate.
“What the fuck is so amusing?” Army snarled.
“If she wasn’t your sister, I’d call you pussy-whipped.”
“Fuck off.”
Marc laughed outright. “Just never seen you so outclassed, dude.”
Marc smirked.
“What am I supposed to do?” Army demanded. “Turn her out onto the streets of Chicago?”
“Of course not. And she knew that.”
“She didn’t even tell me she was coming.” Duncan rubbed his forehead. “Christ. She quit her job. Just when she seemed to be settling down. Last I heard, she had a pretty serious boyfriend too. Guess that’s over.”
A boyfriend? Not fucking likely, the way she’d been looking at him. Marc shot Army a sideways glance as he drove. “She does this often?”
“Eh. She quits. She gets fired. She flits from one job to another like a fucking hummingbird. One boyfriend to another. This guy she was seeing actually lasted more than a few dates. Now all of a sudden she wants to move to Chicago. Jesus.”
“She’s young.”
“She’s not that young. She’s twenty-four. Only three years younger than us. She needs to settle down.”
Marc nodded. “Yeah, but think, man, we were on our own when we were teenagers, basically. We were playing and living in an adult world before we could even drink legally. Pro hockey makes you grow up fast.”
Army sighed. “Yeah. True. Heh. Especially you, Captain Codger.”
Marc rolled his eyes at the nickname. It didn’t bug him as much as it had at first. He knew the guys liked to jerk him around, but they did it with respect. And he’d earned the reputation of being serious and responsible, on the ice and off. That was him, and it was important to him to take his career and his responsibilities seriously.
Army shook his head. “I’ll let her stay for a while, but seriously, she’ll have to find her own place. Don’t worry.”
Marc shrugged. “I wasn’t worried.”
That wasn’t entirely true. Army’s little sister was smokin’ hot. At first Marc had thought his roommate had a hot chick visiting him and he’d been all Whoa, way to go, dude, but when he’d learned she was Army’s sister, he’d backpedaled fast. He couldn’t get out of there before she’d jumped up and rushed at him with a fucking dazzling smile, so goddamn gorgeous he couldn’t get his feet to move and could barely string two words together. Her smile was luminous, all white teeth and dimples and glowing face. Long, wavy red-gold hair gleamed in the sunlight and, fuck him, even though she’d been wearing clothes that covered her from chin to toes, her body was stellar—a soft blue sweater outlined high, firm tits and a small waist that curved into round hips. He couldn’t see her legs, but they were long, her snug black pants revealing slender thighs.
Shut it down, man.
She was Army’s sister and therefore waaaay the fuck off-limits.
And that was why he was maybe a little worried about her living with them. Just a smidgen worried. But hey. He was Captain Codger. He had no issues with self-control, self-discipline, or being responsible. He could easily ignore a hot babe living in the apartment with them. No problem. No problem at all.
Army’s phone pinged and he peered at the screen. “Great. An email from my mom warning me Lovey’s on her way. Thanks, Mom.” He shook his head as he tapped a reply. “She wants me to make sure Lovey’s okay in the big city. Jesus.”
Yeah, Lovey seemed like she was going to be okay.
They arrived at the dealership and while Army signed the paperwork, Marc wandered around looking at the vehicles, trying to ignore the attention from the staff, male and female. The receptionist approached him for an autograph.
“You’re my favorite player.” She let out a breathy laugh. “I watch all the games.”
“Yeah?” He obliged by scrawling his messy signature across the Land Rover pamphlet she held out, adding his jersey number beneath it. “You watch that last game against Philly?”
“Of course! You guys played great.”
He stuck his tongue into one cheek and nodded. “Thanks.” They’d sucked. They’d lost three-one, probably their worst game so far, another game added to their losing streak.
“D’you speak French?” Her eyes widened.
“Mais oui.” He grinned.
“That is soooo sexy.” She stared at him.
Câlisse. He resisted the urge to sigh and smiled instead. “Merci.”
“I love your accent.”
He wanted to frown. He barely had an accent. He’d been raised by a Francophone mother and Anglophone father, and although his education had been all in French growing up in Quebec, he spoke both languages fluently. Maybe there was a bit of an accent. Whatever.
“Hey, Armdog,” he called to his friend. “I’m gonna head out. Meet you at the Sin Bin?”
“Yeah. Be there soon.”

Goodreads Series Link:

Buy Links:  
Amazon | B & N | iTunes | Kobo
Author Info
Kelly Jamieson is the author of more than thirty contemporary romance novels. She’s a married mother of two who lives a very ordinary life outside of her imagination. She likes coffee (black), wine (mostly white), and shoes (high!). She also loves watching hockey.

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