Saturday, October 3, 2015

Blog Tour + Review + Excerpt + Giveaway: The Rebel by Adrienne Giordano

The Rebel
Adrienne Giordano
Harlequin Intrigue
October 1, 2015


Bad to the bone…in all the right ways 

A brilliant civil lawyer, David Hennings has always been the outsider—at odds with his wealthy family, shunning relationships, defying convention as a sexy leather-jacketed biker. Which is why sculptor Amanda LeBlanc agrees to his request to reconstruct a skull from a cold case murder. The instant heat between them is scorching. 

But once Amanda takes the job and gets too close to the rebellious attorney, her carefully balanced life is upended by a series of methodical attacks. Someone doesn't want her to finish the job. Now David will risk everything not to lose the woman he unknowingly put in jeopardy.

My Thoughts: 
In The Rebel we meet David Hennings and Amanda LeBlanc. David comes from this prominent family, but he doesn't quite fit in with the family. He finally moves back to Chicago trying to make amends to his family. However, that is a challenge. When you meet them they are all opinionated. What do you expect in a house full of lawyers. I actually admire David, because of his beliefs. When you get to know why he feels like an outsider, it's like wow that's kind of cool. Anyway, his mother has him try to convince this artist, Amanda, to help solve this cold case. At first she didn't want to because of what happen to her mother. In a way she was living half a life when David pops into her life. Amanda uses her mother's death in a way that it's better to live in neutral and let nothing cause drama. What kind of life is that? Life is drama. Anyway, she has a hard time with David, but Amanda gets use to him.

The Rebel starts off a little slow, once Amanda's life starts falling apart the story starts to pickup. It does get a little interesting, because you start to figure out that has to do with skull. I have to say that I didn't expect the outcome of who was behind the attacks on Amanda. Adrienne did a great job on hiding the bad guy. 

Overall, The Rebel is a fairly quick read once Amanda life starts to fall apart. I really liked David. At first he's a little strong, but once you get know his character he's actually not a bad guy a bit overwhelming at times. The suspense was pretty good and not too heavy. 

Copy provided for the Blog Tour

Excerpt from The Rebel:

Inside the stairwell of the hundred-year-old building on the city’s West Side, David climbed the last few steps leading to the landing of Amanda’s second-floor studio. He loved these old structures with the Portland stone and brick. The iconic columns on the facade urged the history major in him to research the place. Check the city records, see what information he could find on who’d built it, who’d lived here or which companies had run their wares through its doors.
Structures like this had a charm all their own that couldn’t be duplicated with modern wizardry. Old buildings, this building, had a life, a past to be researched and appreciated.
Or maybe he just wanted to believe that.
He rapped on the door. No hollow wood there. By the scarred look and feel of its heavy weight under his knuckles, it might be the original door. How amazing would that be?
The door swung open and a woman with lush curves a guy his size could wrap himself around greeted him. She wore jeans and a graphic T-shirt announcing he should make love, not war—gladly, sweetheart—and her honey-blond hair fell around her shoulders, curling at the ends. The whole look brought thoughts of lazy Sunday mornings, hot coffee and a few extracurricular activities, in a bed and out, David could think of.
To say the least, she affected him.
And she hadn’t even opened her mouth. Please don’t be an airhead.
Yep. That was the voice from earlier. Soft and sweet and stirring up all kinds of images right along with Sunday mornings and coffee. With any luck, more than the coffee would be hot.
Hokay. Mission Pam Hennings getting derailed by wicked thoughts. Time to get serious.
“Hi. Amanda?”
“Yes.” She held her hand out. “Amanda LeBlanc.”
David grasped her hand and glanced down at her long, elegant fingers folding over his. Her silky skin absorbed his much larger hand, and he might like to stay this way awhile. Nice hands. Soft hands. He’d imagined a sculptor’s hands to be work-hardened and rough. Not that she swung an ax all day, but he’d expected…different.
“Um.” She pointed at their still joined hands. “I kinda need that hand back.”
Epic fail, Dave. He grinned and regrettably slid his hand away. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but where have you been all my life?”
As recoveries went, it wouldn’t be listed among the top hundred in brilliance, but a man had to work with what he had. Still, her lips, those extraordinary, shapely lips, twisted until she finally gave up and awarded him with a smile.
“Good one,” she said. “Come inside and we’ll talk about your project.”

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About the Author

USA Today bestselling author Adrienne Giordano writes romantic suspense and mystery.  She is a Jersey girl at heart, but now lives in the Midwest with her workaholic husband, sports obsessed son and Buddy the Wheaten Terrorist (Terrier). She is a co-founder of Romance University blog and Lady Jane's Salon-Naperville, a reading series dedicated to romantic fiction. 

Connect with Adrienne:  

Giveaway Details

There is a tour-wide giveaway of a $25.00 eGift Card to an online book retailer of winner’s choice and three swag packs.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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