Saturday, August 30, 2014

One Rogue Too Many by Samantha Grace

I have finally got around to reading One Rogue Too Many by Samantha Grace. Yes, this has been sitting on my shelf for a few months. Here's the reason why: I have a hard time dealing with love triangles. Seriously, I don't like them. Granted One Rogue Too Many isn't a love triangle per se, but it might come off as one. Some might say it is cause you have two guys vying for one girls attention. However, I look at love triangles more like two guys liking the same girl, and the girl has the same feelings for both guys. Which make it hard for the girl to make up her mind. Now that's my definition of a love triangle.

Now Gabby isn't really in love with Baron Sebastian Thorne, she just believes they would suit well. So, Sebastian is going to pursue her, but he has ulterior motives. Come on he just wants to needle Ellis with the fact that he could get Gabby. Now Anthony and Gabby have come to an understanding or so he thought when he got back to town. Of course Thorne has to needle Anthony Of course, Anthony has to prove to Gabby he's the man for her. However, there are other people that wreaking havoc on his love life other than Thorne.

So, you can see why I would have problems plowing through this story. Granted Gabby has to live with the decision and not me, but it can be rough on the reader. However, I finally sat down to read One Rogue Too Many. Yes, I did have an anxious feeling throughout the book until Gabby made the final decision. Trust me that gave me heart palpitation. There were times I wanted to scream "NO, don't do it." Even her brothers were questioning her. I felt bad for Anthony cause he's just had such a cruddy situation you wanted to cheer him on. I kind of felt bad for Thorne. Okay that's an outright lie. He does some pretty bad things that almost sacrificed Gabby's happiness. It wasn't intentional, but it was pretty rotten. Overall, I did enjoy One Rogue Too Many even though I wanted to shake Gabby at times. I loved the last few chapters, cause it made everything right. Now I need to check on Thorne as he licks his wounds.

Favorite Lines:
Anthony kissed the tip of her nose. "It's one thing to forgive yourself a misstep, but there are different sets of rules for one's sister.""Good thing I'm not your sister," she teased.He laughed. "Yes, or this would be very awkward."

Copy provided by Sourcebooks via NetGalley (I did end up buying the book)

4 Stars

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