Sunday, March 8, 2020

Just Thinking: It Seems Like I Have an Attention Span of a Gnat

Yes, I had grandiose plans for this blog. I FAILED! EPICALLY! You know what I'm okay with that. As I said with the titled of the this post I have an attention span of a gnat. I have been trying to finish these books that I have decided to take on. I'm just not in the mood to read. However, I have been slowly getting back into my mojo for reading.

YES! It is slowly coming back. I think what has been helping is my local library does digital audiobooks through Libby, by Overdrive. I thought the Playaways were awesome, but I love being able to check out any audiobook that is available. However, there is a downside: the waiting for a book you really want. The book I'm currently waiting for is Wildfire by Ilona Andrews. Seriously, the wait has been killing me. However, I finished The Lemon Sisters by Jill Shalvis. Which I should have a review up fairly soon. I love being able to explore more books this way.

I know I have a plethora of books, but I love having this option. If you haven't heard about Libby, I would recommend checking it out. I knew my library did book checkouts with Overdrive, but you can do audiobooks too. I had a friend at work share how to do this with me and soooo grateful to her for sharing this tool. I'm sure you all have heard about this, and have been in the know a lot longer than me.

The question of the day is do you utilize all that the library offers? If so, what do you use? Plus, I love using digital checkouts, because you don't have late fees. I hope you all keep enjoying reading or doing whatever makes you happy.

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