Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Almost Just Friends by Jill Shalvis (Review)

I had a chance to ready Almost Just Friends by Jill Shalvis. This wasn't my favorite story. I had a hard time connect with the characters. I would find myself kind of putting the book down and trying to find other things to do. I even was thinking of DFN the book. However, I pressed forward thinking I could finish it. Honestly, it took me two months to finish.

I had a hard time connecting with Piper, and her siblings. Her siblings kind of drove me nuts. Their relationship was a bit strain cause Piper was more like their mom than their sister. Her siblings were kind of selfish. Her siblings kept so many secrets, granted I could understand why, because Piper would blow a gasket.

Anyway, Almost Just Friends wasn't a bad read, but I did struggle with the story. I know that there were a good number of people that enjoyed this story, and I hope you are one of them. I guess I'm ready to move on to the next story.

Copy provided by William Morrow via Edelweiss

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