Monday, January 13, 2020

Restless Rancher by Jennifer Ryan (Review)

I finally finished Restless Rancher by Jennifer Ryan. First off, I would recommend reading Dirty Little Secret first. You can read this without reading the first book, but it will make a lot more sense if we you do so.

In this story we get to know Austin Hubbard, who is trying to pick up the pieces of his life after his father takes everything away from him. His best friend's girlfriend send her friend Sonya Tucker. They didn't have a great start, but it's partly his father's fault.

I liked this story, because Austin and Sonya has the same dreams. They both want a home and a family to call their own. Yet learn this as they remodel Austin's grandfather's home. However, there is more than desires to rebuild a new life. We find that we have a terrible father, and you don't realize how terrible he is until you draw closer to the end. Jennifer does a wonderful job in drawing you into the story. Yes, you have romance budding between Austin and Sonya, but you also he him rebuild himself.

Overall, a pretty good read, and I can't wait to see what is going to happen with the series. Especially with the little sample at the end of the story.

Copy provided by Avon

4 Stars

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