Sunday, January 5, 2020

Weekly Recap Jan. 1-6

It's looking like I'm off to a good start with my goals. I have been doing all right with my healthy changes. I still fall a little short, but it's a work in progress. I should have a review posted sometime next week. Which means a I have been reading more. In the process of posting other stuff, but it hasn't come to fruition. Unless you count Getting Healthy post. I have finally learned how to use the banners I have purchased a few years back. Yay; it only took me about 2 years. I'm so excited about this. I also slightly modify my title; not by much. However, it kind fits in my new year.

How was your guys week? Yes, I know I haven't really counted the whole week, but this is a new thing for me. Like I said it goes with my new year. I'm currently finishing up Restless Rancher, and we will see what books I will read this week. I hope you all have a great week.

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