Saturday, April 8, 2017

A Small Town Bride by Hope Ramsay (Review)

Whenever I see that Hope Ramsay has a new book out, I totally get excited, because I know I'm going to have an enjoyable ride. Hope knows how to make a feel good story. It would be no surprise that I delighted in reading A Small-Town Bride.

So, we have Amy Lyndon who's the rich girl of Shenandoah Falls. She describes herself as the ordinary one of the family. Kind of the black sheep, since everyone else is super smart. Anyway, Daddy gives her an ultimatum marry Grady or be cutoff. I guess her dad wasn't bluffing. She comes up with an idea of getting a job in order to guilt him into saying he was wrong. Basically, we see this rich girl slumming it through the story, but you know what she learns something about herself and she's more than a pretty face. I felt bad for Amy. It was an adjustment, and everyone thought she would take the deal that was offer to her. Amy showed gumption, and I did really liked her.

Now Dusty. Oh man, he was a jerk. Truth be told he was pretty mean to Amy, and he truly didn't believe Amy was down on her luck. Man did he have to eat crow. Some of the things he did to Amy were jacked up, and he felt bad for doing them. Deep down Dusty was a decent guy, he didn't know how to handle Amy.

Anyway, A Small-Town Bride was a pretty good. Definitely gave me the feelies, then again I haven't read a Hope book that didn't. There's some major character growth between Amy and Dusty. Of course there are some bumps along the way, but without a doubt a enjoyable. So, if are in need of a small town read, you might give A Small-Town Bride a go.

Copy provided by Forever Romance

4 1/2 Stars

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