Friday, July 17, 2020

Ancient Protector by Katie Reus (Review)

I finally got a chance to read Ancient Protector by Katie Reus. Now this is a spin-off of the Darkness series. At the end of that series we saw an end, but we saw a beginning to something new which happens to be Ancient Protector. Now we have Lachlan and Star.

Lachlan is an ancient dragon who has awoken after a long time. He's ancient. Then we have Star who is a rockstar, and she's trying to rescue her sister. Lachlan gets a whiff of Star and must have her. He would do anything to get her.

First off, it's cool that we are seeing the ancient creatures coming out of the book. However, by the end I wasn't really sure which direction the series is going. Are we following Lachlan and his clan or are we following Star and her crew. Even at the end I'm still not sure. It's going to be interesting how this will all play out. I mean Star has a sister, and her sister seems interesting.

Anyway, it was a interesting start to a new series. There is a still a lot of clean up to what has happen to the world, and I wonder how the ancients are going to help them. It's kind like a brave new world to some of them.

Copy provided by author

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