We have finally come to the end of the Darkness series. We have seen a lot happening in this series. We have seen couples find love, and bad things happen from time or time. However, we have come to last chapter in this series with Darkness Rising. With a title like that it doesn't seem like it's ending, and in a sense you are right and wrong. We do see end of a chapter of things happen here, and the beginning of something knew. You know what that means, yep spin-off. Which I'm happy, because it's sad to see these guys go, but we get to see something new happen with Reaper and Greer.
Finally Greer finds a mate, but it's a powerful dragon that happens to be one of the ancients. Which totally conflicts with her healer side. Reaper never went for healers before he went to hibernation. He tended to stick with powerful warriors. However, there's something different about Greer.
Anyway, Darkness Rising is the end to a series, and like I said it's beginning to a new series. You get a taste of where it's going to be in the story. Things are about to change and you see that. However, it does closes the Darkness books nicely. I can't wait to see what the new series will entail. However, the world is going to change. Exciting stuff.
Copy provided by author.
4 Stars