Thursday, September 27, 2018

Hunting Danger by Katie Reus (Review)

We finally get Gage and Nova together in Hunting Danger. They have been skirting around one another for the past four books. However, I think it was worth the wait. Possibly this is best book so far. we still have one more to get to. Anyway, we have action and danger lurking through this story. Lite on the romance, but it's kind of a romance budding when you are in emanate danger. Also the obvious reason, can't fall for a co-worker, because what if it goes south fear.

Basically, Nova's friend is in danger, and Nova wants to rush off to save her all by herself. Fortunately, she has friends looking out for her otherwise it would have gone down hill fast. Gage has the hots for her, but doesn't feel that he's good enough for Nova. Why take a chance when you feel that she's out of your league. Anyway, they take a trip to Montana to save the friend, of course it doesn't go as plan, and this is where the story gets a little more interesting.

Yes, Hunting Danger does pick up the suspense a little more once they get to Montana and being chase by the bad guys. Nova and Gage have there fee issues, because of work, and feeling unworthy for the other. We have it all cleaned up towards the end, but we also have a little teaser of the ultimate plot that has been going on for sometime. Overall, Hunting Danger is probably favorite of the series. I liked Nova and Gage's story.

Copy provided by author

4 Stars

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