Thursday, March 28, 2013

ARC: Sweet Madness by Heather Snow

I just finished Sweet Madness by Heather Snow. When I first started this book, it had a different feel from her first two novels. Don't get me wrong its still a fabulous read, just had a different feel. Let me explain.

In the Ms. Snow's first book Sweet Enemy we meet Penelope and she's a normal debutante focusing on making a good match. When she married her first husband Michael, everything changed. She didn't know how to handle him, which changed her forever.

Three years later, she goes and visits her husband's cousin, Gabriel Devereaux. She finds him locked away in a home for lunatics. The more she talks with Gabriel, the more she questions if he should really be locked away from everyone.

Penelope Bridgeman is different from Ms. Snow's last two heroines. Here's how: First off, Liliana and Emma were more bluestock heroines while Penelope tends to use more of her intuition. Then we have a hero who believe that he's crazy. Makes for an interesting story.

When I started reading Sweet Madness, it felt a little darker and it might have a lot to do with it starting in home for the crazies. I was a little worry about the story, as I continue to read my fears subsided. I actually found myself really enjoying the story between Penelope and Gabriel. Surprisingly, they had a lot in common. I love how they were able to reconcile the past with each others help.

I enjoyed how Ms. Snow was able to work in conditions that we would recognize as bipolar disorder or PTSD in the regency era. I also have to give her credit for hiding the villain so well. I really thought it was someone else, but I was so wrong.

Overall, I feel that Sweet Madness was done extremely well done. I would recommend this remarkable read. However, I must give a little warning, it is a little slow at the beginning, but it did start to pick up the pace once they left home. I hope you get a chance to enjoy the madness of this read.

Copy provided by the author.


Purchase Links:
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