Saturday, February 22, 2020

Audiobook: The Kiss Quotient by Helen Hoang

I think I have broke my reading slump. Well, at least with listening. This past week I got a chance to listen The Kiss Quotient by Helen Hoang. Let me say that I couldn’t stop listening to that story. Even the narrator that was chosen to read the story was a perfect fit. In the story we meet Stella Lane. She has hard time dealing with people, because she has aspersers. However, numbers speak to her more than people. She feels that in order to get a man, she needs to get better with sex and relationships, and what better way than a male escort. She happens to pick Michael Phan. 

Now Michael has decided to get into the escorting business, because he needed to help his family out. He sort of feels obligated to help Stella, because he had a fear that she might end up in the wrong hands. However, they are good match for one another. 

Overall, The Kiss Quotient was a pretty good listen. I laugh, I cried, and thoroughly enjoyed the story. I love the story so much that I requested the next book from my library to listen to my drive to work. I can’t wait to start the next story. If you are looking for something different, and a character that isn’t typical, you will find yourself enjoying The Kiss Quotient.

Checked out from the Library

5 Stars

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