Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Angel in a Devil's Arms by Julie Anne Long (Review)

First off, I absolutely love this cover. Who doesn't love the bright color yellow dress. You look closer to Lord Bolt's expression, purely priceless. I mean it's a look that says, "Why are you dress, and there's a nice comfy bed with me in it?" In a sense the cover fits. For a good portion of the story we have Lucien and Angelique playing a cat and mouse game. They both want each other, but Angelique is trying not to cave to these feelings. There are parts in the story where I felt I probably read the first book in the series. It might be helpful, because Angelique and Delilah have a connected past. However, Angelique trying to keep her past hidden.

We have Lucien who has risen from the dead, and making the life of his father and his wife a living hell, or planning on it. I mean the Duchess of Brexford is a hateful woman, and it's time to put her in her place. The Duke is a pretty weak man to beginning with. Good thing Lucien didn't inherit that from his father (the Duke).

Overall, Angel in a Devil's Arms was a pretty good. I mean it starts out with a plot of revenge, but motives change as Lucien developed more character. I love that Angelique was able to move on from her past. I can't wait to see what happen with the other characters in The Grand Palace on the Thames.

Copy provided by Avon

4 Stars

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