Friday, July 6, 2018

One and Only by Jenny Holiday (Review)

During the week of July 18-22, I did the One and Only read-alone. It was neat to see what others thought of the story as I read. Now, my thoughts for reading One and Only by Jenny Holiday. Overall, it was an all right read. I had a little trouble with the story, it wasn't the main characters fault, it was a the bride's fault. Oh my goodness, I wanted to beat the crap out of her, because she was so extreme. Bridezilla would be an understatement for her. Now if the story was solely on Cameron and Jane I would probably loved the story. When they were out doing stuff together and getting to know one another, it was a pretty good story. The times we had the bride pop in, "I was like, NOOOOOO!"

When the focus was solely on Cameron and Jane, I had a lot of fun. I mean Cameron was reckless, but you learn the reason why he was reckless. Everyone expected him to be a screw up, but Jane started to see through his facade. Jane got stuck with Cameron, playing the babysitter. As the story started to progress, Jane enjoyed her time with Cameron.

Like I said One and Only was a pretty enjoyable read, except when I wanted to throat punch the bride. I did love the time between Jane and Cameron. I'm curious on what's going to happen to the other bridesmaids. Anyway, for the most part it was a cute read.

Copy provided by Forever Romance via NetGalley

3 Stars

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