Friday, May 25, 2018

Audiobook Review: Where the Wild Things Bite by Molly Harper

When we last saw Finn, he was chasing after Libby Stratton in The Single Undead Moms Club. Seriously, Libby wasn't a good fit for Finn, and I was so glad she picked Wade. Now Finn gets his own story in Where the Wild Things Bite. By the way, Anna Winthrop is a better fit for Finn.

Where do I go with my thoughts on Where the Wild Things Bite? Seriously, I don't where I should go. I mean a lot happens. Finn is trying to get something from Anna, yet he admires and respects her. Anna doesn't put up with Finn's cramp. She basically looks at him wondering if he's for real. However, they need one another otherwise it's not going to end well for either one of them. Boy do they have an adventure, and they both have to lean on one another. I actually like Finn and Anna together. Character wise they both grow in the story. Anna develops more self-confidence while Finn's learns not to be so self-absorbed. Trust me for Finn that is a huge accomplishments.

Anyway, Where the Wild Things Bites was way more entertaining. When you have two people who are definitely not the outdoors kind of people, it definitely gets entertaining. Plus, this adventure is something you don't want to miss. You could probably get away with not reading or listening to the previous books, but you would definitely miss some stuff. Plus, why would you want to do that. Anyway, very fun to listen to, and Amanda Ronconi does an amazing job.

4 1/2 Stars

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