Saturday, August 7, 2021

Audiobook Review: Holes by Louis Sachar

I know this isn't my normal read, but I needed something my kid could listen to while in the car with me. We both actually liked the book Holes, so we listened to it on our way to Mississippi. Here we go with Holes

In the story we meet Stanley Yelnats who happens to be the most unluckiest person, which he ends up at a camp that is to suppose to reform bad kids. While there we meet bunch of kids that Stanley gets to know. Slowly develops a friendship with one of the boys. 

We like this story. We liked the growth of Stanley character. We liked how we see the backstory of is sprinkled in. We see how Green Lake became what it is present. Overall, we found Holes enjoyable. 

Copy provide by local library

Rating: 4 Stars

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