Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Brazen and the Beast by Sarah MacLean (Review)

First off, let me say that I love this cover, because it matches Lady Henrietta Sedley (Hattie) in Brazen and the Beast. I love that she's not the typical heroine. Hattie is curvaceous, and strong-will. After all it's the year of Hattie. Then she stumbles upon Beast in her carriage. Oh lord, he's kind of taken aback by Hattie, but he wants to know who stole his cargo. Anyway, Beast and Hattie make a deal. However, the deal is one-sided. I mean who is going to take on the Bastards. Honestly we don't really see Ewan until the end. However, you know he's lurking around the corner. 

Brazen and the Beast was pretty good. I like that Beast found his match with Hattie. Hattie definitely keeps him on his toes. She might not be the conventional looking heroine, but I love that about the story. There were things that popped up in the story, that people that are closed minded might not enjoy the story. Overall, a pretty good story, and it does propel us to Grace and Ewan's story. Beast and Devil definitely have a grudge against Ewan, I'm surprise he doesn't end up dead, because of certain events. Anyway, if you are looking for an unconventional historical romance. 

Copy provide by Avon via Edelweiss

4 Stars

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