Monday, September 28, 2020

My One True Highlander by Suzanne Enoch (Review)

I got a chance to check out My One True Highlander by Suzanne Enoch earlier this month. I do not recommend reading No Ordinary Hero backwards. I would recommend you go in order. Somethings would make more sense if you read them in the proper order. Just a suggestion. 

In this story, we meet Marjorie Forrester who happens to be the sister of the Duke of Lattimer. When she gets the letter from her brother saying he's going to marry, but she shouldn't come up there. After all, winters are pretty harsh. Everything starts to fall apart when she heads up north. 

We also meet Graeme Maxton, who is a Viscount and a chieftain. He's trying to stay a float when the Duke of Dunncraigh makes an offer, but in return he must kill the Duke of Lattimer. However, Graeme doesn't like the offer, and doesn't trust the Dunncraigh. His brothers happen over heard things and decided to take things their hands, and they kidnap Marjorie. 

This story has some lulling points, but it was a good read. The nightlight of the story was Connell, Graeme's little brother. He's so adorable and has a soft heart. He kind of stole to story, which is fine. Marjorie is kept captive until they figure out what to do. Of course they fall in love, but I think that was a giving. Overall, not a bad read.I guess I need to read the first book, since I have read these totally backwards. 

Copy provided by St, Martins via NetGalley

3 1/2 Stars

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Daring and the Duke by Sarah MacLean (Review)

We have finally arrived to the final chapter of Bareknuckle Bastards series. Now we get to really see what led to Ewan's madness, and why he was after vengeance of his brothers. In the last book he got the crap beat out of him by Grace. If you haven't read the second well spoiler. This is one of the series you need to read the previous books, because they do build off one another. Now that Ewan knows Grace is alive he's out to winner back. From the previous books, we know he can be persistent. He has to fix what he has broken before them. 

We also get a glimpse of the past, and how the father was sadistic bastard. Another thing we learn is the reason behind Ewan's action when Grace, Whit, and Devin ran away. All the things start to fall into place, and we start to understand the whole situation. 

Honestly, Daring and the Duke was a nice ending to the series. It fixes everything that went wrong over the years. A lot happens in this series, and Sarah MacLean does an amazing job with the series. The series is gritty, and not something you see in historical romance. If you don't mind some grit, you might consider the series. 

Copy provide by Avon via Edelweiss

4 Stars

Friday, September 25, 2020

Audiobook Review: I Love You First Anthology

Amanda Ronconi is one of my favorite narrators, and she knows how to make the characters come alive. You can never go wrong with her if it's a small town story that has quirky characters. Now that is out of the way,  time to dive into the stories. 

Take Two by Suzanne Enoch

We have Eleanor Ross and Brian MacCafferty in this story. They use to have a relationship, and now they have a working one. Okay, not really. This story was adorable, and a quick listen. They had a lot to work on to repair all aspects of their lives. It's nice little pick me up story. 

Pasties and Poor Decisions by Molly Harper

We have Anastasia Villers and Ned Fitzroy. In this story Anastasia hits rock bottom, and needs to come crawling home. She never thought that her coming would be a welcoming one, but it wasn't what she expected. Ned and Anastasia use to have a relationship until she ghosted him. Need some patching up with these. Honestly, this story could have been a full on novel, because there's potential to make it longer. However, it was a cute listen.

Last Chance Motel by Karen Hawkins

This was a super cute story. We have Evan and Jessica Graham. They have an extremely rocky relationship. It was so bad that Jessica left Evan and sent him divorce papers. Evan tries to win back Jessica, but has an uphill battle. Overall, it was a cute story. 

Overall, these stories were cute. They all could have been made the stories a full fledge novels, but it was good to have something quick to listen. Also, they were heart-warming, and gave fuzzy feelings at the end. 

Copy provided by author via Audiobook


4 Stars

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Brazen and the Beast by Sarah MacLean (Review)

First off, let me say that I love this cover, because it matches Lady Henrietta Sedley (Hattie) in Brazen and the Beast. I love that she's not the typical heroine. Hattie is curvaceous, and strong-will. After all it's the year of Hattie. Then she stumbles upon Beast in her carriage. Oh lord, he's kind of taken aback by Hattie, but he wants to know who stole his cargo. Anyway, Beast and Hattie make a deal. However, the deal is one-sided. I mean who is going to take on the Bastards. Honestly we don't really see Ewan until the end. However, you know he's lurking around the corner. 

Brazen and the Beast was pretty good. I like that Beast found his match with Hattie. Hattie definitely keeps him on his toes. She might not be the conventional looking heroine, but I love that about the story. There were things that popped up in the story, that people that are closed minded might not enjoy the story. Overall, a pretty good story, and it does propel us to Grace and Ewan's story. Beast and Devil definitely have a grudge against Ewan, I'm surprise he doesn't end up dead, because of certain events. Anyway, if you are looking for an unconventional historical romance. 

Copy provide by Avon via Edelweiss

4 Stars

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Dance Away with Me by Susan Elizabeth Phillips (Review)

I basically devour Dance Away with Me by Susan Elizabeth Phillips. Usually her stand-alone end up getting mix reviews. A lot of time they get judge against her series. However, I pretty much loved this story. I couldn't put it down, and I did lose sleep over this book. It was a rough couple of days, but it was worth the read. However, fair warning do not compare to the Chicago Stars books or any other series.

Let us take a trip to Runaway Mountain, Tennessee where we will meet Tess Hartsong who is a young widow who wanted to runaway from her pain. Next we meet Ian North a tortured artist, and Bianca. SEP makes an interesting trio in this story. Of course they live in area that is a little small minded. We have Tess's tragic backstory, but we learn more about her marriage as the story goes on. Here is a slight spoiler another tragedy is introduce in the story. I understand why it was introduced, and it helps the characters grow. Along with tragedy more things pop up.

If you are willing to get wrapped up in the pain in the story, you are going to need some tissue. After all Tess does go through some struggles in Runaway Mountain, but she comes out stronger in the end. She eventually finds her way home. Dance Away with Me was a wonderful read. Heart-warming, but a few bumps in the road. If you are willing to take a chance with this story, you might be surprise with the story.

Copy provided by William Morrow via Edelweiss

5 Star

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

A Devil in Scotland by Suzanne Enoch (Review)

I finally got a chance to checkout A Devil in Scotland by Suzanne Enoch, and I have to say that I love Callum MacCreath. He's so swoon-worthy. At the beginning he had a wild streak that cost him the loss of the girl he loved. He was a little too slow to the gun and lost her to his brother. Callum was also good at causing trouble, which got him banished from his home. This helped him grow and mature. He also never planned to return to Scotland, but life has other thoughts. Now we have Rebecca the girl that broke his heart. However, she's in the dark on what is afoot. She believes that Duke of Dunncraigh is honorable, but deep down she's not sure about it.

I really enjoyed this story, but I'm going to advise that you read these stories in order and not go the route I did which is going backwards. I mean the Duke of Dunncraigh is a pretty shady guy and you will see this in previous stories. I did enjoy that Callum and Rebecca eventually work together. However, Callum has some serious disbelief that Rebecca was on the up and up, and was in the same league as Dunncraigh. Rebecca's daughter is ADORABLE in this story. She kind of makes the story. I would reread this story because of the daughter. Feisty would best describe her. Overall, a really good read.

Copy provided by St. Martin via NetGalley

4 1/2 Stars