Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Truth About Love and Dukes by Laura Lee Guhrke (Review)

I took a chance on The Truth About Love and Dukes by Laura Lee Guhrke. So, we have Miss Irene Deverill who owns a gossip sheet, and also rights a column Lady Trewlove. Lady Trewlove answers of the letters to lovelorn, and try to help them solve their problems. Irene ends up getting into a little trouble with helping a Dowager Duchess of Torquil,  and her son is not too happy. Now the Duke of Torquil is out to get Irene to fix the issue with his mother.

Oh my heavens. Usually I love hero, but I thought he was pompous and arrogant. That's being nice. I would choose other words, but it might get sensory. However, I LOVED Irene. She opinionated, and trying to fight the rights of women. Suffragist, such a dirty word to the old way of thinking. However, the world needs more people like Irene. In the story we see to ideologies clashing, because we have old way of thinking, and merging forward thinking. This causes conflict in the story, that makes you wonder if Henry (the Duke of Torquil) and Irene to see eye to eye. Also Henry battles with tradition, and that love can't be part of the picture. Laure Lee Guhrke does an amazing job with this time period, because this is the era where we have a lot of change. Sometimes I find that she might move a little slow; however, Irene is such a spitfire that you can't find it slowly. She's ready to start punching out the door, and Henry is willing to give her a fight. Overall, The Truth About Love and Dukes was pretty good read.

Copy provided by Avon via Edelweiss

4 1/2 Stars

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