Sunday, August 11, 2019

Dare Me Tonight by Carly Phillips (Review)

I guess I just need to dive into my thoughts. We have have Sienna Dare the youngest of the Dare clan. She felt that she was responsible for the destruction of the families, but that was her father's fault. However, she still feels that way. Then we have Ethan Knight. Ethan has his own baggage, after all when we first we meet him he found his wife dead from an overdose, and secrets come out.

Anyway, it was a fairly quick read with these two. They have an instant attraction, but don't want to cause waves with Sienna's family. However, it all comes crumbling down, and Ian becomes the big bad brother. Yet, more things happen in the story. Some of the things that happen make me wonder about somethings.

Overall, this was a pretty good read with Ethan getting a happy ending and a good life. He deserves it, and Sienna gets a pretty happy life too.

Copy provided by author

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