Friday, July 30, 2021

When Stars Collide by Susan Elizabeth Phillips (Review)

I got a chance to finished When Stars Collide by Susan Elizabeth Phillips. I do have a fondness for her stories. They are fun to read or listen to, so I was excited for a chance to checkout her latest Chicago Stars story. I love this series. We have met some super fun characters, and very memorable moments. Yes, I was excited that there was a new book. I'm going to be honest I don't remember ever reading a Thaddeus Bowman Owens (T-Bo). He could have been in the last story. I could try to listen to the previous story, but I just can't. Moving on. We have Thad who has to work with Olivia Shore who is a famous opera singer. She holds a grudge against Thad to some information. Anyway, we have a rocky start with these two for a national tour of a product. 

It wasn't a bad story, but it wasn't a great story. I like the idea of a jock and an opera singer trying to play nice on a national tour for a product. However, it kind of fell flat for me. There were some banter in the book, but nothing like past banter. I guess I didn't feel an emotional connection to the character. SEP usually hits a couple of spots with me: 1) She has me needing a box of tissue at least once in the story. 2) I'm laughing so hard that I'm in stitches. Which didn't happen to me. I did get a few chuckles, but nothing that feel busting a gut. However, towards the end I did feel it was more like SEP book, but by the time I got there was ready for the story to be over. Will I check this story out again, probably. I do my annual listen to the Chicago Stars stories, because that's a comfort for me. It was okay read. Will I continue reading SEP of course, because not every book is going to hit the same spot for everyone. However, majority of her books hit the right spots. 

Copy provided by William Morrow via Edelweiss

Rating: 3 Stars

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Love for Beginners by Jill Shalvis (Review)

A few months back I did finished Love for Beginners, which I should have written right away. Oh well, here we go. We have Emma Harris who woke up from a comma to a loser fiancé and loser best friend. I guess they will all be ex's. Now she's picking up the pieces of her life, and have fresh start. However, she has to work hard for what she wants. 

She starts to fall for her evil physical therapist, Simon. Simon seems like the whole package, but he comes with some serious baggage which could hinder any relationship. Not to mention that he's related to Emma arch nemesis from high school. 

Of course, everyone in the story has issues. People come with issues. Each of them have to overcome their personal issues that they may find happiness. Allie and Emma might even be able to patch up the past and might even become friends. Emma might even be able to find love. 

Overall, Love for Beginners is a pretty good read. The title is works for the story, because they are all beginners at love. Granted they've had relationships in the past, Yet they are beginners at lasting relationships. If you have been a fan of this series will enjoy the story. 

Copy provided by William Morrow via Edelweiss

Rating: 4 Stars

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Where Have I Been

As you guys might have notice I haven't been posting. Or you might not have. I had to take a little break. I wasn't feeling this. I was feeling overwhelmed with life. I was working a lot and haven't had a lot of time to read. I actually had to mentally checkout. So, I ended up watching a lot of movies. I mean completed the Marvel movies in order. By the way, it was a lot fun. I started with Captain America: The First Avenger  and finished with The Avengers: End Game. I realize I can't stand Tony Stark, and Captain America is my favorite hero. However, I do have a soft spot for the Winter Soldier. 

Since I was trying to cope by watching movies, I was also preparing for a move that I didn't want to do. We had to uproot the family again. The longer we are in, the harder it's getting. It's hard to say that I'm off on a new adventure when I'm started to create deeper roots. Starting all over again in a new state. Trying to stay positive is getting harder. I know this is only going to be temporary, because we didn't buy a house. Hopefully, in a couple of weeks it's a little better. We will see if I"m adjusting, and I hope in a months time I will have adjusted a little. Here's hoping, and I plan to get back to typing more. Or at least that is plan. Heres hoping, I will be posting later. 

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Comparing the Film of Crazy Rich Asian to the Book

In the last post I mention that there were a lot of difference from book to film, here we go. Now if this book is on your to read list, you might want to skip over this post. There might be spoilers ahead. I mean you kind of have to. If you don't care read on. 

In the previous post I mention that I watched the movie before the movie. I normally wouldn't suggest doing that. I would advocate for reading the book first, but I'm kind glad I didn't. The two characters that didn't change much from book to film were Rachel Chu and Nicholas Young. However, I didn't realize that Nick was a teacher at NYU along with Rachel. I must have missed it. Anyway. Yes, Nick wants to bring Rachel to his best friend's wedding. This is where the story starts to off on a different tangent. I mention there are a lot of characters in the book, in the movie that kind of condensed some of the characters into a couple key character. 

Now if you seen the movie, you might have loved Awkwafina as her Peik Lin, and her outlandish character. However, Goh Peik Lin is a bit more subdue. She's supposed to be bubbly in the book, but doesn't come off like that. By the way, Awkwafina does an amazing job. In the movie Awkwafina has an Ellen style hair cut, and we get the line Asian Ellen look. Not in the book. Actually Peik Lin's look is more dark long hair, and fashionable. Where in the movie she's a bit gaudy. However, it's hilarious in the movie. However, the person with blond bob hair cut is actually, Sophie Khoo who isn't in the story. She's Colin's sister and Astrid's cousin, and Sophie helps Rachel at the bachelorette party. In the movie Astrid is the one that helps Rachel with the fish. Astrid is having a lot of issues in the story. Her marriage problems are more pronounce in the story. That was interesting listen too, because we learn more about "the affair". Trust me, we need quotation marks are required. We also have Nick's mother, and her posse. In the book they play a bigger role than in the movie. 

I probably beat this until it was a dead horse on the difference. I know you guys would probably say you shouldn't compare two, because they are different. You know, and you would be correct. However, this was something that has been weighing on my mind for sometime. Also I need to get back to writing blog. I even tried to read book two, because of the rumors of them making the second book. However, I couldn't. Too much for me. In short I prefer the movie, because it was light and fun. Plus, I didn't get bombard with characters. It just a personal opinion, and my thoughts could be total crap. Oh well. 

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Audiobook Review: Crazy Rich Asians by Kevin Kwan

A few months ago I finally watched the movie Crazy Rich Asians which I absolutely love. Seriously, the movie was so much fun that I wanted to give the book that it was based a try. Normally, I would say that the book would be better than the movie, but I didn't feel this way. I actually felt overwhelmed by the book. I might do a comparative with the movie and the book. However, I haven't completely decided. I'm glad I did an audio version, because this wouldn't have been too much to handle as a reading.

Where do I go with my thoughts. There is a lot that is happening in the story, that a person can feel overwhelm with the story. You also have about five parts to the story, which you are trying to keep track of all that is going on. We have Nick and Rachel relationship and how it's being question. We have his mother and her personal feelings toward this Rachel. We have Goh Peik Lin who happens to be Rachel's friend. So many characters to keep track, that I felt overwhelm. I get that this was supposed to be light and fun, but with all the family members it's hard to keep track of these things. 

Now if you wanted to read this book, because you saw the movie and absolutely loved it, I would stop you right there. It's different from the movie. I mean they kept a good portion of the elements from the book to film, but it's different. If you get overwhelmed by so many characters, you might want to find another read. 

Copy provided by local library.

Rating: 2 1/2 Stars